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Home Educated Groups


I strongly believe in the right to home educate.


Here are two examples of project work I've undertaken with home educated children and young people.




Poetry Wall, Kingston Youth Centre- Hull


5 bright and creative home-educated young people

wrote a group poem, with the help of washing lines!

To be painted on the garden wall

at Kingston Youth Centre.


I was able to send links to the young writers

for future opportunities after I'd left

and I'm glad to hear Eden is still writing


this dreamcatcher of storms


blue sky and red bricks and treetops and clouds

and cars rushing past and birds sweeping round

people of nature, the nature of streets, where wilderness and city meet

a blackberry sun, a field of friends, safe and warm as strawberry beds

re-used bikes once cycled, recycled, reduced, remade,

stars to water, futures to grow, pathways laid

light til night, we get the job done, proud, we are slow to leave, quick to return

to this castle of creativity away from the world


by Hull Home Ed girls





Truth or Dare? Dare To Be Different- Lancaster


Working as lead artist with The Dukes, a theatre and creative learning centre, in Lancaster, we invited home-educated girls aged 11-14, from the Gypsy/Roma/Traveller community to take part in our project looking at strong women.


I got to work with 15 amazing girls, over 6 months,  who created poetry, drama, music, dance, and costumes culminating in a multi-disciplinary performance.



Please email me

to discuss bookings and ideas for projects together.



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